I signed up for the LSAT in June of 2013, got a high enough score to qualify for a full scholarship at two different law schools, and by that fall I was enrolled as a 1L at Trinity Law School.
Law school was fun! It was also the hardest thing I’ve ever done. The graduation ceremony itself was a lot more emotional than I expected–it’s a big deal to graduate! I’m proud to have finished, and proud to have earned my Juris Doctorate.
Next up? Studying for the California Bar Exam!
Photo by Crystal Worley.I’m third from the right, in the second row. Photo by Crystal Worley.See that ear sticking out? Cracks me up! Photo by Crystal Worley.I’m not the focus of this photo, so I’m a little blurry, but my hair looks good! Photo by Crystal Worley.We all look so serious–must have been a good moment in the ceremony! I’m on the far right. Photo by Crystal Worley.Photo by Crystal Worley.Photo by Crystal Worley.Our official class portrait. I’m in the second row from the top, and just to the right of center. Photo by Crystal Worley.My mom and I, after the ceremony! Photo by Crystal Worley.My favorite professor ever! William Overtoom is a Senior Deputy District Attorney for the Orange County District Attorney’s Office, and he teaches Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at Trinity. I was lucky to have him as a teacher–he’s excellent! I received my first A- on a midterm in law school in his class, and it was extra meaningful to earn it from him. Photo by my mother, Sharon Rose.I took Con Law, a couple of really cool business classes, and Legal Synthesis from Professor R. Neil Rodgers. My favorite semester of all was summer of my 2L year, when I had two classes with him. He’s, in my opinion, the best lecturer on campus! Photo by my mother, Sharon Rose.When I first met Shelley Henderson I thought she was one of the most charismatic people I’d ever come across. I still think that! And it’s all real. She’s an amazing woman who has done great things, and is on her way to do even more. Photo by my mother, Sharon Rose.Photo by my mother, Sharon Rose.