Arthur Lavine and Harry Callahan at MOPA

I went to MOPA today with a couple of photographer friends to see the Arthur Lavine/Harry Callahan exhibit. It made me realize how much I miss being in school – not because I miss going to classes, but because I miss being around other photographers and talking about art. It’s so great to be looking at something totally beautiful, and to be able to discuss it with other people who get it! And who may see it from a different perspective and make me see things I didn’t at first.

The Callahan exhibit is huge – a big cross section of his work is shown and you get to see his proof sheets and negatives. You get a real feel for him and his images by the time you’ve wound around and seen everything.

And the stuff by Lavine is brilliant! He’s the guy who shot that really iconic image of brotherhood among workers – hands pulling on a lever – you’d recognize the image if you saw it. Really really beautiful stuff.

They also had a small selection of Ansel Adams images on display.

Then after the museum we headed over to the Prado for margaritas and more conversation. I’ve had lunch at the Prado before, but never been there for Happy Hour, and it’s great! Fabulous passion fruit margaritas in a beautiful setting after seeing some great art. Highlight of the week, for sure!

Arthur Lavine: Peripatetic Pleasures and Meditations
Harry Callahan: The Photographer at Work
Nature & Spirit: The Photographs of Ansel Adams

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