I love this image! I mean, really love it! It’s so light and bright and the colors are so soft – but the subject matter is as hard as can be.
I’ve never seen a Not Hiring sign before, but I totally get why it’s necessary here. A construction project of this size on the side of the 10 Freeway is obviously going to be a huge magnet for all the unemployed construction workers in the Inland Empire. But how sad that it’s necessary! How sad that a company could be so inundated with job seekers that they need a sign to help stem the flow. Unemployment is at 15% in the Inland Empire right now – just way too high.
I’ve been playing around with the idea of a project – on the economic crisis. Not seriously pursuing it as a project, but just sort of toying around with the idea. And this image is the best of the lot so far – and the first to focus on unemployment. I’m still not sure if I want to make a full blown project out of this, but I do plan to continue playing around with it, and seeing if anything comes of it.
I think your angle would be something like on the juxtaposition of the soft/beauty that you always seem to capture with the harsh reality…it makes the irony and the oxymoron of it all even more striking…
Great shot Cheryl.
Exactly, Elisa! And thank you Carol!