Lukas Rossi | So This Is Christmas

Lukas Rossi - So This Is Christmas // Photo: Cheryl SpeltsLukas Rossi just released a new Christmas EP – available for digital download on – and the cover features one of my images. The EP features two new songs, War Is Over and Revolving Doors, and you can listen to a preview of both on the site, and then download for $1.98.

Lukas has amazing eyes – they tell stories – and the image they chose really shows them off. We got a lot of really good stuff in that session, but this particular image is just special. It was a good choice and I’m glad it’s getting a wider audience!

Edited on 12/6/2008 to add that it’s now available on iTunes as well! Just search for Lukas Rossi, and you’ll find it!

13 Replies to “Lukas Rossi | So This Is Christmas”

  1. Yes, you can go too! lol
    I just checked and he’s playing in Hollywood and then SLO, totally skips SB, just my luck! hahaha

  2. Lukas should always use your images to promote his music. You seriously know how to photograph him to show off all of his beautiful features; your images of him are always so alive, tell lots of stories, and they are just plain beautiful!

  3. These two tracks are wonderful. He included several friends in the recording of “War is Over” and “Revolving Doors” has a special story to tell. Cheryl certainly knows Lukas Rossi well enough to capture his many moods and temperaments.. all of which are integral to this very unique and important artist in the musical revolution soon to be evident this century.

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