Just a little tease…

I recently did a session with Marty Casey on the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood. I can’t share all the images just yet – but I can share these!

Marty Casey at Whisky A Go Go

Marty Casey at the Roxy

There’s more from this session, and it’s amazing! The best is truly yet to come…

20 Replies to “Just a little tease…”

  1. Cheryl, you know Marty has never physically appealed to me… but damn, I must admit he is looking mighty fine here! Must be your mad skillz as a photographer! 🙂

  2. Yay! I hoped you'd get your session. Perfectly stunning shots of a stunningly perfect subject…can't wait to see the rest!

  3. Ohhhhh… and what a fine tease you are! Simply gorgeous, both the subject and the shots. I look forward to "the best is yet to come" part!

  4. KSDay, I loved the glasses – so I encouraged him to keep them on, probably more than most photographers would. But whatever, I liked the look! And yeah, there are plenty with no glasses. He has great eyes, and great eyes can tell great stories…

  5. Cheryl your pictures are stunning! I can't wait to see more! Hopefully our paths will cross one day – I'd love to have a really awesome photo of myself one of these days.

  6. Cheryl these pics are GORGEOUS!! Marty look so good and I love the poses he did. Of coure I might be a little biased because I have loved your work for a few years now. Now I want you to get my ROCKSTAR and get some Toby Rand shots! He would be an idiot to not get some pictures with you. And I don't think he is in idiot 😉

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